Thursday, May 12, 2011

OBX Pridefest & Beach Bear Pride Party!

Excitement! I have a great Summer planned this year and the gigs are piling up! One event I am very excited about is the OBX Pridefest this year! I have worked lots of venues in the past but this is my first major Pride gig, which I hope to extend to many more after this!

This is a big deal, its the first Pride event for the Outer Banks, NC. I not only wanted to share my music and passion for creating my own sounds but also take part in a big piece of history. This is one that will go down in the books and I am sure will get everyones excitement for next years OBX Pridefest shooting through the roof!

During this full weekend of festivities I will be working 2 club events, a daytime event on Saturday full of great live entertainment and a Bear Beach Party on Sunday afternoon!

I created a series of mixsets to get people a preview of what to expect from me over that weekend of June 24-26 so here it is, the first in a 3 part series before the big event. OBX Sneak Peek Sunshine Mix!

OBXsneakpeekSUNSHINE by djairrick_mixset

Make sure you plan to attend this event! Links provided below!

OBX Pridefest

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